The Birth Lounge App


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When You Get Started Today...

  •  Follow a proven process: step by step tutorials to learn evidence-based childbirth education and how to confidently navigate hospital policy and stay in control of the decisions made (and your mindset) during labor.

  • Create your birth plan and learn your options in labor: Check in to the app daily, weekly or monthly and track your pregnancy -- and not the typical 'your babies the size of an avocado!' No way! I'm telling you exactly what you're growing each week (fingernails, eyelashes, kidneys) so you know what is happening inside your body and where your baby's development is at that time!

  • Learn the spectrum of medical and non-medical pain relief options during labor: See current research on pain relief options, pros & cons of each, plus when it's appropriate to use which pain relief method!

  • Join a private community of other pregnant mamas on the same journey as you: Ask questions, share your progress and help others out!

  • Explore a variety of labor positions to shorten the length of labor and reduce tearing: Laboring upright is a proven way to reduce the length of labor, but resting positions are also essential to know during birth.

"Unmedicated Birth Center VBAC!"

This has been a huge resource in preparing for my unmedicated birth center VBAC! I had one small tear that required no stitches. Thanks for what you do and keep up the good work!" - A.Knowland

"I knew how to evaluate each of my choices."

"I learned how to be in control of labor and make educated decisions in pregnancy and during birth. I didn’t have to rely on my medical professionals to make decisions for me. I got to be the decision-maker and feel like I knew how to evaluate each of my choices. I’m happy with how my birth turned out and don’t have regrets!" - H.Burkhead

"I knew how to say no."

I live in a very rural place so I only had one hospital as an option and it doesn't have a great reputation. I can't say thank you enough for teaching me the skills to advocate for myself. If it wasn't for HeHe, I would have ended in an unnecessary c-section, but I didn't because I knew the evidence and I knew how to say no. -A. Davidson